Our consultants will help you put everything in place to become Cyber Certified which ensures you are following Government Cyber Recommendations to protect your company, your team and data.
Our Cyber Certification covers all user activities, their devices and protects them against Online Threats through Training & Security Restrictions / Implementations.
Protect your Devices and Data with the latest secuirty patches and services recommended by our consultants. Not only can we train your team but we can help you with implementation.
With our Office 365 Services we can help you reduce the amount of scam emails and phishing attacks but our main focus is on User Training so your staff are alert and aware.
We help you align with UK Government Cyber recommendations which is a simple but effective, scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.
Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Consultancy and advice is designed to prevent these attacks.
Get in touch with a Genius IT Solutions / Cyber Certified Consultant:
[email protected]
01904 898 455
Self Assessment gives you protection against a wide variety of the most common cyber attacks. But a guided approach can fill in the gaps and save a great deal of time with a professional touch. This is important because vulnerability to simple attacks can mark you out as target for more in-depth unwanted attention from cyber criminals and others.
Our Cyber Certification (Cyber Cert) which is fully aligned with UK Government recommendations gives you peace of mind that your defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Protection technical controls in place.
Security is NOT a Dirty Word!